Sunday, October 01, 2006

Willkommen Oktober!

Oktoberfest Dancers
Originally uploaded by petemorris.
It was a pretty standard week of work and school and errands to wind up the month of September. Probably the most noteworthy event was Tony's trip to the dentist--the final of three visits in the last month to get some cavities filled. And they saved the worst for last, but Tony was his usual brave self. (On a more pleasant dental note, he also lost his second baby tooth during the week, and the tooth fairy was able to drop by to give him an early birthday gift of sorts.) As you can guess from the photo, we closed the weekend today with a trip to the Oktoberfest celebration down in Torrance. The boys were pretty tired, but we all had a good time--even if I was the only family member to actually do the chicken dance. I was also the only family member to drink a full liter of beer; I wonder if there is any connection? Speaking of beer, no brewing this weekend, but the boys and I did stop by the homebrew shop to get ingredients for a wheat beer I plan to brew on Friday.

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